calculates how many tiles have to be downloaded. The
download can take some time so you should have a fast Internet
After the download the map is displayed:
The map tiles are downloaded at all
relevant zoom levels.
5.1.4.Contribute to the OpenStreetMap using Run.GPS
To contribute to the map building process, you can upload your tracks to the OpenStreetMap
server. The tracks can then be manually edited using an OpenStreetMap editor. Track data
has to be revised and assigned to a street section.
Tracks can be committed to OpenStreetMap in GPX file format. There are three ways to do
direct upload (browse Training Log > Details > Upload to portal and select as upload target)
only with Run.GPS Trainer UV Pro
) directly store a training recording as GPX file
(open the “Training Log”, browse a training, select “Details” and choose “export
upload the training to the portal, download the GPX data from there
and upload the GPX file to OpenStreetMap
The tracks can then be edited and added to the OSM map using editors like JOSM or