4.14.5.Recording Heart Rate With the Oregon Scientific Heart Rate
The Oregon Scientific Heart Rate Logger can be connected with most heart rate monitor
belts using the ANT protocol
. After training the heart rate data is synced to a PC using an
USB cable and then added to a
training recording on GPS-Sport.net.
Required accessories:
any heart rate monitor (should work with most models, even the
very cheap)
Oregon Scientific Heart Rate Logger (about 40 USD)
The Heart Rate Logger is fastened to the heart rate monitor belt using a
To start the Heart Rate Logger you press the orange button once,
to turn it off you hold the button for two seconds. After the training
one connects the data logger to a PC using an USB cable. The
heart rate data is then
transmitted to the
“SmartSync” software
that comes with the
Oregon Scientific Heart
Rate Logger.
Use “export activity” to
export the heart rate
data to a file of type
Subsequently the CSV file is uploaded to the GPS-Sport.net portal and thereby added to the
training recording:
The heart rate diagram is then displayed beneath the speed diagram on the training page:
2 The ANT protocol is a wireless networking protocol commonly used in exercise equipment, see