Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
device and make sure it falls within the system specifications (see
Input Requirements on page 2).
Blown Fuse - Check the fuse on the circuit board. The purpose
is to protect the power supply and circuitry. If your locking device
is drawing too much current or there is a short, the fuse will blow.
Replace with a 2 amp slo blo only. A spare fuse is provided in the
spare parts kit. Although the fuse may appear intact, it is best to
check with a voltmeter.
Keypad beeps all by itself.
Constant Beeping - If the beep is consistently every 5 seconds, put
a .1uf 16v (or higher) ceramic capacitor across wires 3 & 10 (black,
violet) on terminal strip “A”.
Random Beeping - Check for bad circuit ground going to the
keypad. Is the black wire from the wiring cable securely fastened
to screw #3 on Terminal A? Check for bent pins on the back of the
keypad. Also check EARTH ground.