Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 |
CCTV/Doorbell Setup
Placing jumpers across the
6th or 7th set of pins (CCTV or
DOORBELL) determines which
relay (if any) will be used to activate
a CCTV or Doorbell.
CCTV Operation: If either relay is
configured to activate a CCTV, any
key press on the Keypad triggers a
10 second output.
Doorbell Operation: If either relay is configured to activate a doorbell,
pressing * at the Keypad triggers a 1 second output. (Doorbell only
functions with 12-Pad 3x4 or Thinline 2x6)
2nd Door Operation
The KE-265 has been designed
to provide 2 door operation with
one or more Keypads. With this
configuration, certain codes will
activate Relay #1 and certain codes
will activate Relay #2. (Connect
Relay #2 to the 2nd Locking Device)
1. Placing a jumper across the 2nd and 3rd pins of the “MASTER
UNLOCK” option allows the master code to activate (unlock) Relay
2. Placing a jumper across the 2nd and 3rd pins of the “1,2 UNLOCK”
option allows User Code 1 and User Code 2 to activate (unlock)
Relay #1.
CCTV/Doorbell Setup
2nd Door Operation