-50000 -40000 … -10000 00000 … 50000
For digits of D4 to D1, these digits can be adjusted from –9~9 by pressing
UP and down buttons. Once the value of D5 has been set to 5 or -5, any
adjustment to other digits will cause the setting value to subtract 50000 or
-50000 automatic, respectively.
Press SHIFT button to store the settling value and exit this mode. Once the settling
value is conflicted with other limits, the current settling will be replaced with LO
limit or HI limit, respectively. For example, to store HI limit of 30000 but LO limit
was 40000. The settling value will be replaced with LO limit of 40000, and the
beeper sounds three tones to alert user to set HI limit again. It doesn’t quit settling
mode in this situation.
Press DOWN button again to -60000, then the setting value will
be subtracted -50000 automatically.
Using Percentage (%) Function
To transfer the measuring value with a proportional percentage (%) display.
For example, transfer the current of 4-20 mA to 0%~100% display for
transmitter. It is based on the settling value of HI and LO limits (same as
compare function) and according to following formula to calculate
Percentage (%)= [Measuring value – LO/(HI-LO)] x100%
If HI limit is equal to LO limit, the formula is change to as below:
Percentage (%)= [(Measuring value-HI)/HI] x100%
For example, transfer the current of 4-20 mA to 0%~100% display for
transmitter. You should set LO limit to 4,000 counts and HI limit to 20,000
counts and measure in the range of 50mA.
then followed by
to enter percentage function. The actual
measuring value will be shown in primary display and the secondary display
will indicate calculation result for percentage (%). An “
” will be indicated