QuadroFXO Manual II: Administrator's Guide
Quadro's Graphical Interface
QuadroFXO; SW Version 5.1.x
Mail Sender Address text field requires the source address for
the Quadro notification emails. The email address defined here
should be an existing valid e-mail address registered on the
selected SMTP server or it should have permission to use that
particular SMTP server for e-mail transmission.
Mail Recipient Address text field requires an active e-mail
address where system emails will be delivered. The e-mail
recipient here can be a Quadro administrator or someone
responsible for network and system problems.
Mail Recipient Address (CC) text field requires an active email
address where a carbon copy (CC) of the system emails will be
Enable SMTP Authentication must be selected if the specified
SMTP server requires authentication. In this case,
authentication User Name and Password configured on the
SMTP server should be defined in the corresponding text fields.
The following symbols are not allowed for the
Password field: '$', '(', ')','/', '`', '&', '\', '''.
Send Test Mail is used to initiate a test e-mail transmission.
This button will be enabled if correct values have been
submitted and saved on this page.
Fig. II-36: System Mail Settings page
To configure the System Mail
Enable the system mail sending by the Enable checkbox selection.
Update or set the SMTP host in the SMTP Host text field.
Update or set the e-mail sender address in the Mail Sender Address text field.
Update or set the e-mail address in the Mail Recipient Address text field.
Enable SMTP Authentication if it is required on the server.
Insert into the corresponding text fields an authentication User Name and User Password defined by your SMTP server.
Save button to submit these settings.
Send Test Mail button to send a test e-mail with the configured settings.
SMS Settings
The SMS Settings are used to configure the SMS parameters that will allow Quadro to send the voice mail notifications or event notifications via
SMS to the extension user’s mobile phone. Every extension user can enable voice mail notifications when a new voice mail is received and they can
to define their own mobile numbers from the Voice Mail Settings or to set the certain
notification to be delivered per SMS. However, for
Quadro to deliver SMS notifications, the SMS service should be enabled and SMS settings should be configured from this page.
Enable SMS Service enables the SMS service on the Quadro.
User Name and Password text fields require the authentication
settings of the SMS server.
SMS Sender Address requires the source address for the
Quadro notification SMS. The address defined in this field will
be seen in the “From” field of the SMS delivered to the mobile
SMS Recipient Address requires a destination mobile number
for a test SMS.
SMS Gateway manipulation radio buttons allow to selected
between pre-defined Clickatell SMS gateway and the custom
defined SMS gateways.
Fig. II-37: SMS Settings page
Clickatell – this selection allows to use a pre-defined SMS gateway. Selection enables the API ID text field which indicates a Clicatell specific
parameter obtained from the server and should match on both sides.