Advanced Printing
Page 46
Using a Color Correction System
To achieve the maximum color accuracy, you can use Image Color
Matching (ICM; Windows 95 and 98 only), Standard Red Green
Blue (sRGB; Windows 95, 98, and NT only), or ColorSync
(Macintosh only), if your system is set up to use them.
Create your image or document in your application software.
Access the printer settings dialog box as described in
Click Custom, then select either ICM (Windows 95 or 98 only),
sRGB (Windows 95, 98, and NT only), or ColorSync
(Macintosh only) as described in
Click the Advanced button. The Color Management section of
the Advanced dialog box appears as shown here:
The Color
Management section
also changes to this
view if you select the
ICM, sRGB, or
ColorSync radio
button on the
Advanced dialog box.
Windows 95, 98, NT
Not available
Windows NT
For details, see