General Interface
Recommended Contact Points
Entegris strongly urges the use of only recom-
mended contact points in developing wafer
carrier interfaces. These are typically tightly
controlled dimensions that will provide optimal,
consistent interface.
Entegris cannot guarantee reliable equipment
interface if contact points other than the
recommended contact points are used.
Print Based Interface Design
Interfaces should be designed based on prints
detailing wafer carrier specifications using
controlled dimensions. Controlled dimensions
are identified on prints with a circle around
the dimension. Use of a sample wafer carrier
is not recommended as it does not incorporate
nominal, minimum and maximum dimensions.
It is critical to use the entire tolerance ranges
provided on the prints when developing interfaces
for wafer carriers.
Reducing Particle Generation
Properly designed interface plates can greatly
reduce particle generation. The use of radius edges
and smooth surfaces on areas that interface the
wafer carrier will reduce the number of particles
generated by abrasion of the wafer carrier.
Interface Points:
Wafers Horizontal
General Recommendations
Entegris strongly recommends that only the contact
points detailed in this section be used to locate
wafer carriers for horizontal wafer handling. These
are typically tightly controlled dimensions that will
provide optimal, consistent interface.
Entegris cannot guarantee reliable equipment
interface if contact points other than the
recommended contact points are used.
Sample Interface Plate
When designing an interface plate, use generous
radiuses for optimum wafer carrier lead in. In
addition, minimize registration points for ease
of carrier placement.
The interface plate should be designed to locate
the wafer carrier with the wafers horizontal using
only an appropriate combination of Entegris
recommended contact areas.
Height of contact area interface pads should be
no greater than 3.8 mm (0.15").
Recommended Contact Areas
• A + B
• A + C
Contact Areas Not Recommended
• A + B + C
• B + C
Area B
Area A
Area C