Parameter
structure
Keypad
and
display
Parameter
x.00
Parameter
description
protocol
Performance
The
values
given
in
square
brackets
indicate
the
absolute
maximum
value
allowed
for
the
variable
maximum.
format
Advanced
parameter
descriptions
Serial
comms
4.1.1
Default
The
default
values
given
are
the
standard
drive
defaults
which
are
loaded
after
a
drive
reset
with
Eur
or
in
Pr
x.00.
4.1.2
Second
motor
parameter
Some
parameters
have
an
equivalent
second
motor
value
that
can
be
used
as
an
alternative
when
the
second
motor
is
selected
with
Pr
11.45.
Menu
contains
all
the
second
motor
parameters.
In
this
menu
the
parameter
specifications
include
the
location
of
the
normal
motor
parameter
which
is
being
duplicated.
4.1.3
Update
rate
Defines
the
rate
at
which
the
parameter
data
is
written
by
the
drive
(write)
or
read
and
acted
upon
by
the
drive
(read).
Where
background
update
rate
is
specified,
the
update
time
depends
on
the
drive
processor
load.
Generally
the
update
time
is
between
ms
and
ms,
however,
the
update
time
is
significantly
extended
when
loading
defaults,
changing
drive
mode,
transferring
data
to/from
a
or
transferring
blocks
of
parameters
or
large
data
blocks
to/from
the
drive
(not
a
Solutions
Module)
via
the
drive
serial
comms
port.
4.2
Sources
and
destinations
4.2.1
Sources
Some
functions
have
source
pointer
parameters,
i.e.
drive
outputs,
controller
etc.
The
source
pointer
parameter
range
is
Pr
0.00
to
Pr
22.99
The
source
pointer
is
set
up
to
point
to
a
parameter,
which
supplies
the
information
to
control
the
source
and
this
is
referred
to
as
the
source
data
parameter.
For
example,
Pr
7.19
is
the
source
pointer
parameter
for
analog
output
1.
If
Pr
7.19
is
set
to
a
value
of
18.11,
then
Pr
18.11
is
the
source
data
parameter,
and
as
the
value
of
Pr
18.11
is
modified
the
analog
output
level
is
changed.
1.
If
the
parameter
number
in
the
source
pointer
parameter
does
not
exist
the
input
is
taken
as
zero.
2.
If
the
source
is
not
a
bit
type
source
(i.e.
not
a
digital
output
etc.)
then
the
source
level
is
defined
by
(source
data
value
x
%)
/
source
data
parameter
maximum.
Generally
the
result
is
rounded
down
to
the
nearest
unit,
but
other
rounding
effects
may
occur
depending
on
the
internal
scaling
of
the
particular
source
function.
3.
If
the
source
is
a
bit,
i.e.
a
digital
output,
and
the
source
data
parameter
is
a
bit
parameter
then
the
input
to
the
source
function
follows
the
value
of
the
source
data
parameter.
4.
If
the
source
is
a
bit,
i.e.
a
digital
output,
and
the
source
data
parameter
is
not
a
bit
parameter
the
source
input
is
zero
if
the
source
data
value
is
less
than
source
data
parameter
maximum
/
rounded
down
to
the
nearest
unit.
The
source
input
is
one
if
the
source
data
value
is
greater
than
or
equal
to
source
data
parameter
4.2.2
Destinations
Some
functions
have
destination
pointer
parameters,
i.e.
drive
inputs,
etc.
The
destination
pointer
parameter
range
is
0.00
to
Pr
22.99.
The
destination
pointer
parameter
is
set
up
to
point
to
a
parameter,
which
receives
information
from
the
function
referred
to
as
the
destination
parameter.
1.
If
the
parameter
number
in
the
destination
pointer
parameter
does
not
exist
then
the
output
value
has
no
effect.
2.
If
the
destination
parameter
is
protected
then
the
output
value
has
no
effect.
3.
If
the
function
output
is
a
bit
value
(i.e.
a
digital
input)
the
destination
parameter
value
does
not
operate
in
the
same
way
as
a
source
described
above,
but
is
always
either
or
depending
on
the
state
of
the
function
output
whether
the
destination
parameter
is
a
bit
parameter
or
not.
4.
If
the
function
output
is
not
a
bit
value
(i.e.
analog
input)
and
the
destination
parameter
is
not
a
bit
parameter,
the
destination
value
is
given
by
(function
output
x
destination
parameter
maximum)
/
%.
Generally
the
result
is
rounded
down
to
the
nearest
unit,
but
other
rounding
effects
may
occur
depending
on
the
internal
scaling
of
the
particular
source
function
(rounded
down
to
nearest
unit).
Pr
1.36
and
Pr
1.37
are
a
special
case.
The
scaling
shown
in
the
description
of
parameter
Pr
1.08
is
used
when
any
non-bit
type
quantity
is
routed
to
these
parameters.
5.
If
the
function
output
is
not
a
bit
value
and
the
destination
parameter
is
a
bit
value,
the
destination
value
is
if
the
function
output
is
less
than
%
of
its
maximum
value,
otherwise
it
is
1.
6.
If
more
than
one
destination
selector
is
routed
to
the
same
destination,
the
value
of
the
destination
parameter
is
undefined.
The
drive
checks
for
this
condition
where
the
destinations
are
defined
in
any
menu
except
menus
to
17.
If
a
conflict
occurs
a
dESt
trip
occurs
that
cannot
be
reset
until
the
conflict
is
resolved.
4.2.3
Sources
and
destinations
1.
Bit
and
non-bit
parameters
may
be
connected
to
each
other
as
sources
or
destinations.
The
scaling
is
as
described
previously.
2.
All
new
source
and
destination
routing
only
changes
to
new
setup
locations
when
the
drive
is
reset.
3.
When
a
destination
pointer
parameter
within
the
drive
or
a
dumb
Solutions
Module
(SM-Resolver,
SM-Encoder
Plus,
plus)
is
changed
the
old
destination
is
written
to
zero,
unless
the
destination
change
is
the
result
of
loading
defaults
or
transferring
parameters
from
a
When
defaults
are
loaded
the
old
destination
is
set
to
its
default
value.
When
parameters
are
loaded
from
a
the
old
destination
retains
its
old
value
unless
a
value
is
written
to
it.
maximum
/
rounded
down
to
the
nearest
unit.
For
example
if
the
source
pointer
parameter
is
set
to
18.11,
which
has
a
maximum
of
32767,
the
source
input
is
zero
if
the
source
data
value
is
less
than
and
one
if
it
is
greater
than
this.
Mentor
Advanced
User
Guide
Issue
Number:
www.onxcontrol.com
Maximum
Definition
Quadrant
maximum
for
a
quadrant
drive.
for
a
quadrant
drive.
[9999.99
kW]
Maximum
power
in
kW
The
maximum
power
has
been
chosen
to
allow
for
the
maximum
power
that
can
be
output
by
the
drive
with
maximum
output
voltage
and
maximum
controlled
current.
Therefore:
=
x
Maximum
field
current
Size
=8
A.
Size
=
A.