Parameter
structure
Keypad
and
display
Parameter
x.00
Parameter
description
protocol
Performance
These
are
indicated
on
the
displays
as
follows:
format
Advanced
parameter
descriptions
Serial
comms
Keypad
and
display
2.1
Understanding
the
display
There
are
two
types
of
keypad
available
for
the
Mentor
The
SM-Keypad
has
an
display,
and
the
MP-Keypad
has
an
display.
2.1.1
SM-Keypad
The
display
consists
of
two
horizontal
rows
of
segment
displays.
The
upper
display
shows
the
drive
status
or
the
current
menu
and
parameter
number
being
viewed.
The
lower
display
shows
the
parameter
value
or
the
specific
trip
type.
2.1.2
MP-Keypad
The
display
consists
of
three
lines
of
text.
The
top
line
shows
the
drive
status
or
the
current
menu
and
parameter
number
being
viewed
on
the
left,
and
the
parameter
value
or
the
specific
trip
type
on
the
right.
The
lower
two
lines
show
the
parameter
name
or
the
help
text.
Figure
2-1
SM-Keypad
Figure
2-2
MP-Keypad
Upper
display
Lower
display
Mode
(black)
button
Mode
(black)
button
Control
buttons
Control
buttons
Help
button
User
defined
Rev
(blue)
button
Stop/reset
(red)
button
Start
(green)
button
Joypad
User
defined
Rev
(blue)
button
Stop/reset
(red)
button
Start
(green)
button
Joypad
The
red
stop
button
is
also
used
to
reset
the
drive.
The
SM-Keypad
and
the
MP-Keypad
can
indicate
when
a
access
is
taking
place
or
when
the
second
motor
map
is
active
(menu
21).
2.2
Keypad
operation
Control
buttons
The
keypad
consists
of:
1.
Joypad
-
used
to
navigate
the
parameter
structure
and
change
parameter
values.
2.
Mode
button
-
used
to
change
between
the
display
modes
–
parameter
view,
parameter
edit,
status.
3.
Three
control
buttons
-
used
to
control
the
drive
if
keypad
mode
is
selected.
4.
Help
button
(MP-Keypad
only)
-
displays
text
briefly
describing
the
selected
parameter.
The
Help
button
toggles
between
other
display
modes
and
parameter
help
mode.
The
up
and
down
functions
on
the
joypad
scroll
the
help
text
to
allow
the
whole
string
to
be
viewed.
The
right
and
left
functions
on
the
joypad
have
no
function
when
help
text
is
being
viewed.
The
display
examples
in
this
section
show
the
SM-Keypad,
seven
segment,
display.
The
examples
are
the
same
for
the
MP-Keypad,
The
exceptions
is
that
the
information
displayed
on
the
lower
row
on
the
SM-Keypad
is
displayed
on
the
right
hand
side
of
the
top
row
on
the
MP-Keypad.
Mentor
Advanced
User
Guide
Issue
Number:
SM-Keypad
MP-Keypad
access
taking
place
The
decimal
point
after
the
fourth
digit
in
the
upper
display
will
flash.
The
symbol
‘CC’
will
appear
in
the
lower
left
hand
corner
of
the
display
Second
motor
map
active
The
decimal
point
after
the
third
digit
in
the
upper
display
will
flash
The
symbol
‘Mot2’
will
appear
in
the
lower
left
hand
corner
of
the
display
Solutions
Module
parameters
displayed
The
symbol
‘Opx’
will
appear
in
the
left
hand
corner
of
the
display