Parameter
structure
Keypad
and
display
Parameter
x.00
Parameter
description
protocol
Performance
Table
2-3
User
security
and
parameter
access
levels
=
Read
/
write
access
=
Read
only
access
press
the
reset
button.
2.7.4
Disabling
user
security
Unlock
the
previously
set
security
code
as
detailed
above.
Set
Pr
11.30
to
and
press
the
button.
The
user
security
has
now
been
disabled,
and
will
not
have
to
be
unlocked
each
time
the
drive
is
powered
up
to
allow
read
/
write
access
to
the
parameters.
2.8
Alarm
and
trip
display
An
alarm
can
flash
alternately
with
the
data
displayed
on
the
2nd
row
being
edited.
When
a
trip
occurs
the
drive
switches
to
status
mode
and
"tr"
or
"trip"
is
(except
Pr
11.44
(SE14,
0.35)
2.7.2
Setting
user
security
Mentor
Advanced
User
Guide
format
Advanced
parameter
descriptions
Serial
comms
2.7
Parameter
access
level
and
security
The
parameter
access
levels
determine
whether
the
user
has
access
to
Menu
(in
sub
block
mode)
only
or
to
all
of
the
advanced
menus
(Menus
to
23),
in
addition
to
Menu
(in
linear
mode).
The
user
security
determines
whether
the
access
to
the
user
is
read
only
or
read
write.
The
user
security
and
the
parameter
access
level
can
operate
independently
of
each
other
as
shown
in
Table
2-3
.
The
default
settings
of
the
drive
are
parameter
access
level
L1
and
User
Security
Open,
i.e.
read
/
write
access
to
Menu
with
the
advanced
menus,
not
visible
2.7.1
User
security
The
user
security,
when
set,
prevents
write
access
to
any
of
the
parameters
(other
than
Pr
11.44
(SE14,
0.35)
Access
Level)
in
any
menu.
Figure
2-5
User
security
open
User
security
open
-
All
parameters:
Read
/
Write
access
2.7.3
Unlocking
user
security
Select
a
read
write
parameter
to
be
edited
and
press
the
button;
the
upper
display
will
now
show
CodE.
Use
the
arrow
buttons
to
set
the
security
code
and
press
the
button.
With
the
correct
security
code
entered,
the
display
will
revert
to
the
parameter
selected
in
edit
mode.
If
an
incorrect
security
code
is
entered
the
display
will
revert
to
parameter
view
mode.
To
lock
the
user
security
again,
set
Pr
11.44
(SE14,
0.35)
to
Loc
and
when
one
of
the
following
conditions
occur.
If
action
is
not
taken
to
eliminate
the
alarms
except
"Auto
tune"
and
"PLC",
the
drive
may
eventually
trip.
Alarms
flash
once
every
ms
except
which
flashes
once
every
s.
Alarms
are
not
displayed
when
a
parameter
is
shown
on
the
1st
row
and
the
trip
string
flashes
on
the
2nd
row.
The
read
only
parameters
listed
below
are
frozen
with
any
trip
except
trip
until
the
trip
is
cleared.
For
a
list
of
the
possible
trip
strings
see
Pr
10.20
{tr01,
0.51}.
Pressing
any
of
the
parameter
keys
changes
the
mode
to
the
parameter
view
mode.
If
the
trip
is
HF01
to
HF16
then
no
key
action
is
recognized.
User
security
closed
-
All
parameters:
Read
Only
access
Enter
a
value
between
and
in
Pr
11.30
and
press
the
button;
the
security
code
has
now
been
set
to
this
value.
To
activate
the
security,
the
access
level
must
be
set
to
Loc
in
Pr
11.44
(SE14,
0.35).
When
the
drive
is
reset,
the
security
code
will
have
been
activated
and
the
drive
returns
to
access
level
L1.
The
value
of
Pr
11.30
will
return
to
in
order
to
hide
the
security
code.
At
this
point,
the
only
parameter
that
can
be
changed
by
the
user
is
the
access
level
Pr
11.44
(SE14,
0.35).
Issue
Number:
Menu
Parameter
Description
Display
0.36
1.01
Speed
reference
selected
di01
1.02
Pre-skip
filter
reference
0.37
1.03
Pre-ramp
reference
di02
0.38
2.01
Post
ramp
reference
di03
0.39
3.01
Final
speed
reference
di04
0.40
3.02
Speed
feedback
di05
3.03
Speed
error
0.41
3.04
Speed
controller
output
di06
0.43
4.01
Current
magnitude
di08
5.01
Armature
firing
angle
0.45
5.02
Armature
voltage
di10
5.03
Output
power
5.04
Estimated
speed
5.05
Line
voltage
5.58
Field
firing
angle
0.82
7.01
Analog
input
in02
0.83
7.02
Analog
input
in03
0.84
7.03
Analog
input
in04
10.77
Input
frequency
Alarm
string
Alarm
condition
Motor
overload
(Pr
4.19
>
%
and
the
drive
output
current
>
Pr
5.07
{SE07,
0.28})
hot
Heatsink
alarm
is
active
Autotune
Autotune
in
progress
On-board
application
lite
program
is
running
Current
limit
active
The
suppressor
voltage
is
with
in
volts
of
the
HF18
trip
level.
User
needs
to
fit
an
external
suppressor
resistor.
S.rS
External
suppressor
overload.
Active
when
Pr
11.56
is
greater
than
%.
Estimated
speed
selected
Pr
0.00
Pr
1.00
............
Pr
22.00
Pr
23.00
Pr
0.01
Pr
1.01
............
Pr
22.01
Pr
23.01
Pr
0.02
Pr
1.02
............
Pr
22.02
Pr
23.02
Pr
0.03
Pr
1.03
............
Pr
22.03
Pr
23.03
............
............
Pr
0.49
Pr
1.50
............
Pr
22.39
Pr
23.10
Pr
0.90
Pr
1.51
............
Pr
22.40
Pr
23.11
Pr
0.00
Pr
1.00
............
Pr
22.00
Pr
23.00
Pr
0.01
Pr
1.01
............
Pr
22.01
Pr
23.01
Pr
0.02
Pr
1.02
............
Pr
22.02
Pr
23.02
Pr
0.03
Pr
1.03
............
Pr
22.03
Pr
23.03
............
............
Pr
0.89
Pr
1.50
............
Pr
22.39
Pr
23.10
Pr
0.90
Pr
1.51
............
Pr
22.40
Pr
23.11
Parameter
access
level
User
security
Menu
status
Advanced
menus
status
L1
Open
Sub
block
Not
visible
L1
Closed
Sub
block
Not
visible
L2
Open
Linear
L2
Closed
Linear