Instruction Manual
June 2017
Set Point Filter Time (Lag Time)
The time constant, in seconds, for the first‐order
input filter. The default of 0 seconds will bypass
the filter.
Microprocessor or computer programs and
routines that reside in alterable memory (usually
RAM), as opposed to firmware, which consists of
programs and routines that are programmed into
memory (usually ROM) when the instrument is
manufactured. Software can be manipulated
during normal operation, firmware cannot.
Stroking Time
The time, in seconds, required to move the valve
from its fully open position to fully closed, or vice
Temperature Sensor
A device within the FIELDVUE instrument that
measures the instrument's internal temperature.
Movement of the valve stem or shaft which
changes the amount the valve is open or closed.
Travel Accumulator
The capability of a FIELDVUE instrument to record
total change in travel. The value of the Travel
Accumulator increments when the magnitude of
the change exceeds the Travel Accumulator
Deadband. To reset the Travel Accumulator, set it
to zero.
Travel Accumulator Alert
Checks the difference between the Travel
Accumulator value and the Travel Accumulator
Alert Point. The Travel Accumulator Alert is active
when the Travel Accumulator value exceeds the
Travel Accumulator Alert Point. It clears after you
reset the Travel Accumulator to a value less than
the alert point.
Travel Accumulator Alert Point
An adjustable value which, when exceeded,
activates the Travel Accumulator Alert. Valid
entries are 0% to 4 billion %.
Travel Accumulator Deadband
Region around the travel reference point
established at the last increment of the
accumulator. This region must be exceeded
before a change in travel can be accumulated.
Valid entries are 0% to 100%.
Travel Alert
Checks the ranged travel against the travel high
and low alert points. The travel alert is active if
either the high or low point is exceeded. Once a
high or low point is exceeded, the ranged travel
must clear that point by the Travel Alert
Deadband before the alert clears. Four travel
alerts are available: Travel Alert Hi, Travel Alert Lo,
Travel Alert Hi Hi, and Travel Alert Lo Lo.
Travel Alert Deadband
Travel, in percent of ranged travel, required to
clear a travel alert, once it is active. Valid entries
are -25% to 125%.
Travel Alert High Point
Value of the travel, in percent of ranged travel,
which, when exceeded, sets the Travel Alert Hi
alert. Valid entries are -25% to 125%.
Travel Alert High High Point
Value of the travel, in percent of ranged travel,
which, when exceeded, sets the Travel Alert Hi Hi
alert. Valid entries are -25% to 125%.
Travel Alert Low Point
Value of the travel, in percent of ranged travel,
which, when exceeded, sets the Travel Alert Lo
alert. Valid entries are -25% to 125%.
Travel Alert Low Low Point
Value of the travel, in percent of ranged travel,
which, when exceeded, sets the Travel Alert Lo Lo
alert. Valid entries are -25% to 125%.
Travel Cutoff
Defines the cutoff point for the travel, in percent
of ranged travel. There are two travel cutoffs:
high and low. Once travel exceeds the cutoff, the
drive signal is set to either maximum or
minimum, depending on the Zero Control Signal
and if the cutoff is high or low. Minimum opening
time or minimum closing time are not in effect
while the travel is beyond the cutoff. Use the
travel cutoff to obtain the desired seat load or to
be sure the valve is fully open.