Instruction Manual
June 2017
HART (acronym)
The acronym HART stands for Highway
Addressable Remote Transducer.
HART Universal Revision
Revision number of the HART Universal
Commands which are the communications
protocol for the instrument.
Input Characteristic
The relationship between the ranged travel and
ranged input. Possible values include: linear,
equal percentage, and quick opening.
Input Current
The current signal from the control system that
serves as the analog input to the instrument. See
also Input Signal.
Input Range
The analog input signal range that corresponds to
the travel range.
Input Signal
The current signal from the control system. The
input signal can be displayed in milliamperes or in
percent of ranged input.
Instrument Level
Determines the functions available for the
instrument. See table 5‐1.
Instrument Mode
Determines if the instrument responds to its
analog input signal. There are two instrument
In Service:
For a fully functioning instrument, the
instrument output changes in response to analog
input changes. Typically changes to setup or
calibration cannot be made when the instrument
mode is In Service.
Out of Service:
The instrument output does not
change in response to analog input changes
when the instrument mode is Out of Service.
Some setup parameters can be changed only
when the instrument mode is Out of Service.
Instrument Protection
Determines if commands from a HART device can
calibrate and/or configure certain parameters in
the instrument. There are two types of
instrument protection:
Configuration and Calibration:
Prohibits changing
protected setup parameters; prohibits
: Permits both configuration and calibration.
The instrument is ”unprotected.”
Instrument Serial Number
The serial number assigned to the printed wiring
board by the factory but can be changed during
setup. The instrument serial number should
match the serial number on the instrument
Leak Class
Defines the allowable leakage by a valve when it is
closed. Leak class numbers are listed in two
standards: ANSI/FCI 70‐2 and IEC 534‐4.
A valve flow characteristic where changes in flow
rate are directly proportional to changes in valve
stem travel. One of the input characteristics
available for a FIELDVUE Instrument. See also,
Equal Percentage and Quick Opening.
Linearity, dynamic
Linearity (independent) is the maximum
deviation from a straight line best fit to the
opening and closing curves and a line
representing the average value of those curves.
A type of semiconductor used for storing
programs or data. FIELDVUE instruments use
three types of memory: Random Access Memory
(RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM), and
Non‐Volatile Memory (NVM). See also these
listings in this glossary.
A list of programs, commands, or other activities
that you select by using the arrow keys to
highlight the item then pressing ENTER, or by
entering the numeric value of the menu item.