Parameter setting
Weather Station Suntracer KNX sl
• Version: 14.07.2016 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
Set whether the global radiation is to be considered. The threshold value can also be
set by "changeable per object".
Then set the threshold value for the global radiation and the hysteresis for the event
that the value is not reached.
When specifying the threshold value
by object
the minimum and maximum values
that can be set and the increment for the change are also defined.
Set the movement position and define the value of the release object. Using the release
object, the pyranometer controller can be deactivated at short-notice.
If global radiation monitoring is used, then, as a precaution, the protection is activated,
if over a period of 48 hours no change in the measured value has been recorded at the
relevant pyranometer.
Rain automation
If rain protection has configured as rain automation, then its priority is between the
pyranometer controller and the interior temperature block. Rain automation is set in
the general settings of the
(see chapter
Rain automation
, Seite 101) and at
façade X safety
(see chapter
, Seite 96).
• No
• Yes
• Changeable per object
Deactivate block for outdoor temperatures above
Threshold value (in W/m²)
if changeable:
until first call)
0 ... 2500; 500
Hysteresis threshold value in
in percent • in Watt/m²
Hysteresis of the threshold value
(in 0.1 °C)
(in %)
0 ... 2500; 400
0 ... 100; 30
Minimum threshold value that can be set
(in W/m²)
0 ... 2500; 100
Maximum threshold value that can be set
(in W/m²)
0 ... 2500
Threshold value increment (in W/m²)
0 ... 200; 50
Movement position pyranometer
Movement position (in %)
0 ... 100
Slat position (in %)
(only for window shades with slats)
0 ... 100; 90
Evaluation of the
Pyranometer release object
1 = activated | 0 = deactivated
0 = activated | 1 = deactivated
value until first call
0 • 1