With consideration to the transmission of the RF signal ensure
that RF components are suitably located in the building where
the device is to be installed. The RF Control system must only be
installed in indoor areas. The device has not been designed for
outdoor use or use in moist environment, it must not be installed in
metal distribution boxes and plastic distribution boxes with metal
doors as this would prevent the transmission of the radio frequency
signal. RF Control is not recommended for the control of devices
providing for vital life functions or for the control of risk devices
such as pumps, electrical heaters without heat regulators, lifts,
pulleys etc. − radio frequency transmission could be hampered with
an obstacle, interfered with, the transmitter battery may become
depleted etc. thus disabling the remote control. Not suitable for use
in industrial environment.
Do not expose to extreme temperature changes. In case of extreme
temperature changes allow approx. 2 hours prior to installation
for the RF Touch to adjust to the temperature of the installation
location. This will prevent condensation of moisture in the device
and the occurrence of a potential short circuit.
Keep fl ammable materials away from the device.
The graphic indication of the contact / device status (red / green
LED) is only for information and may be infl uenced by the amount
of processed information or the combination of more RF Touch and
RF Pilot control units.
Safety functions in RFSTI-11B and RFSTI-11/G actuators: the actuators
disconnect the output in case of an accidental communication
failure exceeding 25 minutes.
Installation Manual Rev. 3 RF Touch is designed for FW version 2.34
and higher.
After powering up
the startup screen
displays red text and
the RF Touch logo
will not appear
contact the manufacturer
Display incomplete −
control impossible
calibrate the device (disconnect the power
supply, after reconnecting hold the logo
RF Touch, fi nish the calibration by touching
twice the cross signs that appear in each
corner of the screen)
Instead of showing
temperature − xxx
Component / device not programmed
Component / sensor faulty
Communication failed
Have you lost the
please ask the manufacturer for information
about further steps
What to do if…
General Information