Part No. I460GB issue 4 (27-Aug-08)
Copyright © 2008 Electrosonic Ltd.
All rights reserved.
No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written
permission of Electrosonic Ltd.
The information in this documentation is supplied without warranty of any kind, either directly
or indirectly, and is subject to change without prior written notice. Electrosonic, its employees or
appointed representatives will not be held responsible for any damages to software, hardware, or
data, howsoever arising as a direct or indirect result of the product(s) mentioned herein.
Issued by:
Product Support Team,
Electrosonic Ltd.,
Hawley Mill,
Hawley Road,
DA2 7SY,
United Kingdom.
Documentation written and designed by Andrew M. Bailey.
Printed in the United Kingdom.