EE Bright Box User Manual
The router will apply the new settings:
Channels 1, 6 and 11 are non-interlapping wireless channels. If you find that your wireless
connection is affected by interference from a neighbouring Wi-Fi network transmitting on
Channel 1 for example, it would be best to select either 6 or 11 when switching to a new
channel. Alternatively setting the option to ‘Auto’ will automatically select the least
congested channel to use.
Some Wi-Fi devices, particularly those purchased outside of Europe may not be able to
see, or connect to a Wi-Fi network operating on Channels 12 and 13. If you are having
problems connecting to the Bright Box wireless network after setting the Channel to 12 or 13,
try change the channel to between 1 and 11 or setting to ‘Auto’ mode.
How to change the Broadcast SSID option
Broadcasting the wireless network name (SSID) helps when setting up a wireless connection
for the first time. If you'd prefer not to broadcast the SSID, you can disable this option.
To enable or disable the Broadcast SSID option:
Login to the router’s admin pages.
Click on the Basic Set-Up tab and then select Wireless Settings from the left hand
In the ‘Broadcast SSID’ field select your required option, either ‘Enable’ or ‘Disable’. In the
example below we're going to 'Disable' broadcasting of the SSID on the router: