EE Bright Box User Manual
Internet application properly from behind the
firewall, you can configure that device to have
unrestricted two-way Internet access by defining a
virtual DMZ host on this page.
The Quality of Service (QoS) setting can be enabled
or disabled on this page. QoS is disabled by default,
but if enabled can allow you to configure particular
traffic types (for example gaming traffic) to have
priority over others.
> Traffic Mapping
You can configure up to 16 different Traffic
Mapping rules that classify different types of traffic
into forwarding groups from Highest to Lowest. For
example you can create a class for Online Games
with a traffic priority of ‘Highest’
> Diffserv Groups
You can configure each of the 8 DiffServ priority
groups (from Highest to Lowest) on this page.
Guaranteeing a minimal bandwidth percentage for
each group, associated with Traffic Mapping rule
You can enable and disable the WMM (Wi-Fi
Multimedia) setting on this page. This is enabled by
default and allows better quality multicast
(video/audio) streaming over the wireless network
for supported applications.
This page allows configuration of the Universal Plug
and Plug (UPnP) feature in the router. This is
enabled by default and allows compatible network
devices to discover each other over the local
network and automates port forwarding for UPnP
supporting applications.
This page contains a ‘Please use these functions
with caution’ message.
> Configuration
This page allows you to backup the current
configuration settings of the router to a backup file.
The page also allows you to restore previously saved
configuration settings from a backup file.
> Restart
The router can be restarted (rebooted) from this
> Factory Default
The router can be restored to factory default
settings (factory reset) from this page. Please note
that if the router is factory defaulted, any custom
configuration settings will be lost.
> Firmware Upgrade
The router firmware version can be upgraded from
this page by uploading a firmware file from a
connected computer.
This page contains the current Bright Box Runtime,
Boot, ADSL and Hardware versions, as well as the
router Serial Number, LAN and Wireless MAC
> Time Settings
This page allows you to enable or disable the
Automatic Time Server Maintenance to ensure the