EE Bright Box User Manual
Description of DHCP settings:
The table below contains a description of the settings on the DHCP page:
VLAN Interface
This dropdown allows you to configure which of the
Virtual LAN’s you are configuring the DHCP settings
for. When you access the DHCP page, the ‘Default’
VLAN settings are visible.
Select ‘Default’ to adjust the DHCP and Gateway
settings for the standard virtual LAN. This is the
VLAN that devices and computers will connect to
using Ethernet or the standard Wireless Settings on
the router.
Select ‘VLAN2’ or ‘VLAN3’ to configure the DHCP
and Gateway settings for either of the alternative
virtual LAN’s. These VLAN’s can be used to isolate
wireless networks, and are assigned to an SSID in
the Advanced Set-Up > Wireless Settings >
Channel and SSID admin page.
Gateway Address
This field is used to configure the gateway IP
address for the routers local area network. On the
default virtual LAN, this IP address is the same as
you use to login to the Bright Box admin pages, and
is ‘’ by default.
On VLAN2 and VLAN3, the gateway IP address is and respectively, but these
values can be altered.
When configuring the Gateway IP address, ensure
that the IP address does not match one of the other
virtual LAN’s.