Introduction Manual ENC66
Extending of the program for the lowering of the tool ................................... 65
Changing the user language of the program StdHMI....................................... 68
Changing the colour setting of the graphical display ....................................... 68
Generating of a PLC program with ETOOLS PLC2 ............. 70
Programming – Software ETOOLS PLC/2 ............................................................ 70
Configuration of a controller in ETOOLS PLC/2 ................................................. 71
General instructions for the address mapping of IO modules .......................... 73
General instructions for the PLC configuration with LBM modules ................. 73
Changing of the language german / english ..................................................... 77
Sample PLC program........................................................... 79
Function RELEASE_SIGNAL_HANDLER ................................................................ 83
Loading of the program into the controller ...................................................... 85
10.11.7 Permanent storage of the program in the controller (boot-project) ............... 88