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used for the monitor interface in chapter 3.
Abbildung 61:
•Select online - communication parameters
•Click on New
• Select serial driver „Serial RS232“
• The connection includes a name (e.g. local_)
• Acknowledge by clicking on OK
•Upon clicking on OK, the parameters of the
interface (e.g. COM1 with baud rate, parity and
stop bit) are to be input. By a double click, the
parameters are included into the respective win-
dow pane.
•Since the controller includes a Motorola proces-
sor, the entry „Motorola byteorder“ is to be set
to Yes.
Figure 61:
Configuration of the serial connection
10.11.2 Network connection
• Select online - communication parameters
•This connection includes a name (e.g. network)
and the TCP/IP protocol as parameter.
• Acknowledge by clicking on OK