WX2NB Manual v.1.0
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Thanks to this option you may determine which of available signals generated by
the device shall be transmitted to monitoring station.
Wi-Fi On / Wi-Fi Off
In this column you define signals that are to be reported to monitoring station with
Wi-Fi network. There is possibility to send information on alarms (input state change
from rest to action status) and on returns of input state from action to rest
To transmit any signal you should only click it (proper square on your right).
Click on [Clear] button to remove all marked signals.
Click on [Invert] button to change markings to contrary.
Skip initial state
This option allow for locking of sending of information on status of active inputs at
power connection. Information on inputs will be sent to server after the first change
from inactive to active status.
For the events “Power” and “Battery” no selection “Skip initial state” will cause
sending information about the power supply / battery on boot device regardless of
the power supply / battery state.