WX2NB Manual v.1.0
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Additional conditions
If option “Dependent on state transitions from non-active to active of one of the
inputs” is chosen, we might configure additional conditions for output activations:
input disturbance does not cause operation of sabotage output,
No network:
input disturbance causes actuation of sabotage output if sending
of information to server is impossible.
every input disturbance causes actuation of sabotage output.
Available network:
input disturbance causes actuation of sabotage output if
sending of information to server is possible.
Advanced outputs control
The user is able to determine an alternative course of action to go over basic output
configuration function described in Output configuration
In the “Advanced outputs
control” you may define separately the behaviour of the output, depending on
events taking place. “Advanced outputs control” differs from the existing basic
“Outputs configuration” by:
it is possible not only to turn on but also to turn off the output
output can be activated temporarily for specified amount of time
there is a complete list of events for which you can define the behaviour of
the output
Note: where possible, use either the basic configuration of outputs (see
item 6.3.3.) or with an “Advanced outputs control”!
In particular, the basic configuration of existing options: “No Wi-Fi signal
(immediately after detection)” and “Dependent on state transitions from non-
active to active of one of the inputs” should not be used with their replacements
“[Off] Server” and “[On] Input x”.