WX2NB Manual v.1.0
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Parameters available in configuration program are divided into groups: Access,
Transmission, Inputs/Outputs, Monitoring, Restrictions, SMS Notifications, Link
control, Phone line and Firmware. Every from these groups will be described in
detail in next part of this manual.
Service code
Protects the device against unauthorized access. It is used both when programming
the device and when operating it remotely (in Wi-Fi mode). By default it is set to
. It should be changed when the device is first activated (programmed). It
may contain up to seven alphanumeric characters.
Installation Specialist's code
Enables limited access to the device's programmable parameters. Changes to the
following tabs may not be made at this access level: Access, Link Control,
Telephone Line. Attempting to access windows with these parameters leads to an
insufficient rights message.
By default, the code is: 2222.