WX2NB Manual v.1.0
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Correct reading is confirmed with message on a screen. Data downloaded from
device may be saved on file and use for other devices.
To use this function it is necessary to define type and parameters of connection.
E.g. for local connection the following view is displayed:
Connection kind - serial port to which module is connected
Access code- service code of transmitter
This function is analogical to the above one, at the same time it enables data saving
into EEPROM module. There is also possibility to set correct time into WX device.
Correct saving is confirmed with message on a screen.
Operations->Restore default settings
If operation “Read” finishes with error message (e.g. if access code is unknown) it is
possible to come back to default settings by selecting “Restore default settings”. e
“Do you want to overwrite current configuration with default values?”. After
confirming the following window shall appear: