10 Industrial Ethernet Communication Adapter Modules (ECAM)
10.1 EtherNet/IP
PXR Electronic trip unit
01/21 MN012005EN
10.1 EtherNet/IP
The PXR-ECAM-IP is designed to connect with an electronic trip unit’s
internal communication module (PXR-RCAM-MRTU-I) Modbus-RTU link and
expand the communication capabilities into EtherNet/IP. The PXR-ECAM-IP
is intended for use with PXR20 or PXR25 moulded case circuit breakers
This section details the data and functions available for the Digital NZM with
PXR20 or PXR25 trip units via the PXR-ECAM-IP register map. Depending
upon trip unit capabilities, a large number of features are accessible through
the registers as following described.
10.1.1 Configuration of the Modbus parameters
In order to synchronize the communication between the breaker Modbus RTU
(slave device) and the ECAM (which acts as the Modbus RTU master
device), the slave ID (Modbus RTU slave), baud rate and parity bit settings of
both devices must be configured with the same values.
The ECAM’s Modbus RTU slave ID (which the master device addresses to),
baud rate and parity bit settings can be configured via ADIs 500-502.
Both, Modbus Slave (PXR-RCAM-MRTU-I) and Modbus Master (PXR-ECAM-
IP) have the same default parameters. In case the Modbus RTU slave
parameters are not changed from the default values, the values of this
communication module do not need to be changed as well.
The ADIs 500, 501 and 502 only provide the possibility to do so, if desired by
the user.
The stop bit is automatically set up and the value is 1.
The default settings of the Modbus Slave and Modbus Master are as follows:
Table 44: EtherNet/IP Modbus settings
The valid parameter values will be applied instantly. Writing parameter values
outside valid ranges have no effect.
After a power-cycle, meaning the switch off and then on of the module, the
PXR-ECAM-IP does not save configured values but returns them to default
The Modbus communication parameters of the NZM breaker (Modbus RTU
slave) cannot be configured via Ethernet communication adapter module
Setting value
ADI Number
Data range
Default value
Slave ID
1 - 247
Baud rate
00: 9,600 bit/s
01: 19,200 bit/s
02: 38,400 bit/s
03: 57,600 bit/s
00: none
01: odd
02: even