Instruction Booklet
IB 52-01-TE
Effective October 2010
Instructions for the Eaton Type CM52
Network Protectors 800 to 4500 Amperes
EATON COrPOrATION www.eaton.com
8 IB -52-01-TE
Effective 11/05/08 (super cedes 11/19/03) IB 52-01-TE
Primary Stationary Contacts
The primary stationary contact is a combination
of two items. One is a conductive p ad mounted
on the line condu ctor, which fun ctions as the
stationary main contact. The other is an arc
runner, also connected to a line conductor. The
integral arc runn er serves a dual purpose.
Fixed arcing contact
Part of the Arc chute
For electri cally operated circuit b reak ers, the
springs are norm ally charged through the use o f
an electrical operator. The springs can, however,
be charg ed manually.
Electrically operat ed circuit breakers can also be
manually closed and open ed through the use o f
the front mounted ch arging h andle and M anual
“ ON” buttons and Manual “OFF” buttons.
An electrically op erat ed circuit breaker from the
factory is also equipped as standard with a spring
releas e to close the circuit breaker el ectrically. A
low energy, trip activator is supplied to open
break er.
Procedure to remov e the motor
Remove the breaker front cover. Disconnect the
motor wiring connectors. The motor mount
main hold-down bolt is located on the front
lower portion of the motor mount plate. (Refer to
Figure 12). Remove the two right hand bracket
self-tapping screws. Loosen , but do not remove,
the two screws that hold the right support plate
to the motor, the charge pawl needs to be pressed
and held behind the gear during removal, slide
the entire motor and motor mount plate forward,
shift slightly to the left and the motor will
become free and can be removed from the
break er.
Fig. 12