Calibration and configuration parameters can be password protected if S1-1 is open. Closing
S1-1 will disable the password protection.
When the user selects either CFG or CAL from the main menu, the
user is prompted with a password screen. Press UP or DOWN to
select a digit from 0 through 9. Press the right-arrow “-->” to select
the next digit. When the fourth digit is selected, the right arrow
changes to ENT, which indicates that the user can enter the
password. The default password is 0000.
The user is prompted to enter a new password when the main
menu is exited via the ESC pushbutton. The user must answer
YES to enter a new password.
Entering a new password is identical to entering the existing password. If the password is
valid (all four digits have been entered), the message, “NEW PW ACCEPTED” is displayed.
PASSWORD 0 * * *
PASSWORD 0 0 0 0
Power-up functions are activated by, first, powering down the
meter, pressing the desired pushbutton combination, and restoring
power to the meter.
Restore all parameters and calibration to factory default settings: PB3 and PB4
This function erases all non-volatile memory and restores the instrument to a factory default
setup. The 4-20mA analog outputs, scale inputs and ALL parameters must be checked and
changed to proper values to match the scale.
Recalibration of the scale is required.
Load typical settings for the selected scales: PB2 and PB4
This function will load a default scale calibration and setup scale parameters depending on
the P100, P200, P300 and P400 selections. The 4-20mA analog output calibration (not full
scale) is not altered, but one should check the P6xx parameters to insure that they are set to
their proper settings.
Recalibration of the scale is required.
I/O Test mode: PB1 and PB2
This function cycles the 4-20mA outputs and relays. Also, the keypad pushbuttons, DIP
switches and remote input (TB6, IN) functionality can be verified, as well.