P920 DLY EN (DAILY (usage) ENABLE)
View the last 24-hours of product usage.
The daily usage for the last 31-days is available when this parameter is enabled.
P921 DLY C/HR (daily calculations per hour)
This parameter sets the number of daily calculations and totalizer updates per hour. The
typical setting is 6 (the totalizer is updated every 10 minutes).
P930 D-EVENT (daily event enable)
This parameter enables/disables the daily high/low set point event logging.
P931 D-LOW (daily low-level set point)
Entering a zero disables this set point. The daily weight low-level event occurs when the daily
weight is/rises above the D-LOW set point and then falls below or equal to the D-LOW set
P932 K-LOW (daily low-level relay assignment)
Assign a relay to the daily low-level set point. The relay assigned can be shared with other
set point relays. Choices are OFF, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, K1 through K8, K11, and K12.
P933 D-HIGH (daily high-level set point)
Entering a zero disables this set point. The daily weight high-level event occurs when the
daily weight is/falls below the D-LOW set point and then rises above or is equal to the D-
HIGH set point.
P934 K-HI (daily high-level relay assignment)
Assign a relay to the daily high-level set point. The relay assigned can be shared with other
set point relays. Choices are OFF, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, K1 through K8, K11, and K12.
P940 TTL EN (totalizer enable)
This parameter enables the totalizer, which is selectable when the main weigh screen is
being displayed.
P950 EMP EN (Days until empty)
This parameter selects the time until empty display mode, which is selectable when the main
weigh screen is being displayed. See the EXTENDED MAIN SCREEN DISPLAYS for more
information about the HR and DAYS format.