This parameter enables the rate display & set points.
Settings are off, seconds (sec), minutes (min), hours (hr), or day
P901 R-UD (Rate update interval)
This parameter sets the time between rate display updates.
Settings are 1s, 5s, 15s, 1m, 2m, 3m, 5m, 10m, 15m, and 30m.
P902 R-AVG (rate average)
This parameter sets the amount of rate samples that are averaged to produce the displayed
rate value. Settings are 1 through 5.
P903 R-GAT (rate noise gate)
This parameter sets the minimum rate in lbs/sec. This setting is used to reduce the
occurrence of a non-zero rate display when the scale is idle.
P904 R-DIR (rate direction)
This parameter sets the typical direction of the rate. The settings are as follows:
The rate is displayed during fill and empty operations.
The rate is displayed during fill operations and is zero during empty operations.
The rate is displayed during empty operations and is zero during fill operations.
P905 R-DP (rate decimal point)
This parameter sets the decimal point for the rate. When the number cannot fit on the display,
the decimal point is shifted to accommodate the rate value and can be shifted to where no
decimal point is displayed.
P910 R-EVNT (rate event enable)
This parameter enables/disables the rate high/low set point event logging.
P911 R-LOW (rate low-level set point)
Entering a zero disables this set point. The rate low-level event occurs when the rate is/rises
above the R-LOW set point and then falls below or equal to the R-LOW set point.
P912 K-LOW (rate low-level relay assignment)
Assign a relay to the rate low-level set point. The relay assigned can be shared with other set
point relays. Choices are OFF, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, K1 through K8, K11, and K12.
P913 R-HIGH (rate high-level set point)
Entering a zero disables this set point. The rate high-level event occurs when the rate is/falls
below the R-HIGH set point and then falls below or equal to the R-HIGH set point.
P914 K-HI (rate high-level relay assignment)
Assign a relay to the rate high-level set point. The relay assigned can be shared with other
set point relays. Choices are OFF, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, K1 through K8, K11, and K12.
1:RATE 13.6lb/H