SIA Format
Level 2 (Hardcoded)
The SIA communication format used in this product follows the level 2 specifications of the SIA Digital Communication
Standard - February 1993. This format will send the Account Code along with its data transmission. At the receiver, the
transmission would look similar to this example:
N Ri01 BA 01
N = New Event
Ri01 = Partition / Area Identifier
BA = Burglary Alarm
01 = Zone 1
PC5010 Reporting Codes
SIA Identifiers &
Auto-Reporting Code
Delay Zone Alarm / Restore .................................. BA-XX / BH-XX *
Instant Zone Alarm / Restore ................................ BA-XX / BH-XX *
Interior Zone Alarm / Restore ................................ BA-XX / BH-XX *
Delay H.A. Zone Alarm / Restore .......................... BA-XX / BH-XX *
Interior H.A. Zone Alarm / Restore ....................... BA-XX / BH-XX *
24 Hr Burg Zone Alarm / Restore ......................... BA-XX / BH-XX *
Standard Fire Zone Alarm / Restore ...................... FA-XX / FH-XX *
Delayed Fire Zone Alarm / Restore ....................... FA-XX / FH-XX *
24 Hr Supervisory Buzzer Zone Alarm / Restore .. UA-XX/ UH-XX *
24 Hr Supervisory Zone Alarm / Restore .............. UA-XX / UH-XX *
24 Hr Panic Zone Alarm / Restore ......................... PA-XX / PH-XX *
24 Hr Holdup Zone Alarm / Restore ..................... HA-XX / HH-XX *
24 Hr Gas Zone Alarm / Restore .......................... GA-XX / GH-XX *
24 Hr Heat Zone Alarm / Restore ......................... KA-XX / KH-XX *
24 Hr Emergency Zone Alarm / Restore .............. QA-XX / QH-XX *
24 Hr Sprinkler Zone Alarm / Restore .................... SA-XX / SH-XX *
24 Hr Water Zone Alarm / Restore ...................... WA-XX / WH-XX *
24 Hr Freeze Zone Alarm / Restore ....................... ZA-XX / ZH-XX *
24 Hr Latching Tamper Alarm / Restore .............. BA-XX / BH-XX *
Duress Alarm ....................................................................... HA-00
Opening After Alarm .......................................................... OR-00
Recent Closing .................................................................... CR-00
Zone Expander Supervisory Alarm / Restore .......... UA-00/UH-00
Keypad Fire Alarm / Restore ................................... FA-00 / FH-00
Keypad Auxiliary Alarm / Restore ...................... MA-00 / MH-00
Keypad Panic Alarm / Restore ............................. PA-00 / PH-00
2-Wire Smoke Alarm / Restore ............................. FA-99 / FH-99
PC5010 Reporting Codes
SIA Identifiers &
Auto-Reporting Code
Zone Tamper (1-32) ........................................................... TA-XX *
Zone Tamper Restorals (1-32) .......................................... TR-XX *
General System Tamper / Restore ........................ TA-00 / TR-00
Keypad Lockout ................................................................. JA-00
Closing By Access Codes 1-32, 33, 34, 40-42 ............... CL-XX
Partial Closing ................................................................... CG-XX
Special Closing (DLS, Keys, Maint, Quick) ..................... CL-00
Opening By Access Codes 1-32, 33, 34, 40-42 ............. OP-XX
Auto-Arm Cancellation ...................................................... CE-00
Special Opening (DLS, Keys, Maint) ................................ OP-00
Battery Trouble Alarm / Restore ............................. YT-00 / YR-00
AC Failure Trouble Alarm / Restore ...................... AT-00 / AR-00
Bell Circuit Trouble Alarm / Restore ...................... UT-99 / UJ-99
Fire Trouble Alarm / Restore .................................. FT-00 / FJ-00
Auxiliary Power Supply Trouble Alarm / Restore .. YP-00 / YQ-00
TLM Trouble Code (via LINKS) ......................................... LT-00
General System Trouble / Restore ......................... YX-00 / YZ-00
General System Supervisory / Restore .................. ET-00 / ER-00
TLM Restoral ...................................................................... LR-00
FTC Restoral ....................................................................... YK-00
Event Buffer 75% Full Since Last Upload ........................ JL-00
DLS Lead In ........................................................................ RB-00
DLS Lead Out (Successful) ............................................... RS-00
Periodic Test Transmission ............................................... RP-00
System Test ......................................................................... RX-00
LINKS1000 Test Transmission Code ............................... TX-00
General Transmitter Low Battery / Restore .......... XT-00 / XR-00
General Zone Trouble / Restore ............................ UT-00 / UJ-00
* Zone Number is Identified
User Number is Identified
Each Zone Number is Identified (using UB-XX)
Appendix B