Trouble [7] - Zone Low Battery
This trouble is generated when an RF device reports a low battery condition to the control unit. Press [7]
while in Trouble mode to view which RF zones have a low battery.
Trouble [8] - Loss of System Time
This trouble occurs when the control unit is powered up and the internal clock has not been set. Setting
the time with User Function [
][6][Master Code][1] will clear this trouble.
Alarm Memory
The ‘Memory’ light will be on if any alarm occurred during the last armed period or if an alarm occurred
while the panel was disarmed (24 hour zones).
To view alarm memory:
1. Press [
] [3].
2. The keypad will flash the Memory light and light up zone lights to indicate alarm or tamper conditions
that occurred during or since the last armed period.
When the panel is armed the ‘Memory’ light will go out.
Door Chime On/Off
If enabled the keypad will beep 5 times rapidly when a zone is tripped and restored. The panel will only do
this for zones with the Door Chime attribute enabled and if the door chime feature is enabled
To turn Door Chime on/off:
1. Press [
] [4].
2. The keypad will beep 3 times rapidly when the Door Chime feature is enabled and one long beep when
the feature is disabled.
Programming Access Codes
There are 37 Access Codes available. They are as follows:
Access Code [01] to [32] . User Codes 1 to 32
Access Code [33] ............. Partition 1 Duress Code
Access Code [34] ............. Partition 2 Duress Code
Access Code [40] ............. Master Code
Access Code [41] ............. Partition 1 Master Code
Access Code [42] ............. Partition 2 Master Code
All Access Codes have the ability to arm/disarm any Partition(s) it is enabled for and activate the PGM Outputs
using the [
][7][Access Code][1] and [
][7][2] commands
Additional Access Code Attributes are also programmable. Attributes determine what abilities the code will
have. The programmable attributes are as follows:
• Partition 1 Operation enable
• Partition 2 Operation enable
• Zone Bypass enable
User Codes - Access Codes [01] to [32]
Each User Code can be programmed to work on Partition 1, Partition 2 or both Partitions. In addition each
can be programmed to have the ability to bypass zones.
“Master Code” attributes cannot change. By default, each code has the attributes of the code
used to program it.
Duress Codes - Access Codes [33] and [34]
When a Duress Code is used to perform any function the panel will report a Duress Reporting Code
Section 5.7 “Communicator - Reporting Codes”
Partition Master Codes - Access Codes [41] and [42]
Partition Master Codes can program additional User Codes and the Duress Code for their Partition.
System Master Code - Access Code [40]
By default the System Master Code is enabled to operate on both Partitions and can perform any keypad
function. This code can be used to program all User Codes as well as the Partition Master Codes and
Duress Codes.
If the
Master Code Not Changeable
option is enabled the System Master Code can only be changed
using Installer Programming.
How to program Access Codes:
Programming Access Codes is a two step process. First the Code must be programmed followed by the
Code Attributes.