Contact ID
The Partition ID Codes must be 4 digits. All reporting codes must be 2 digits.
The following is a list of Contact ID reporting codes. The first digit (in parentheses) will automatically be sent by the
control. The last two digits are programmed to indicate specific information about the signal.
For example, if zone 1 is an entry/exit point, the alarm reporting code could be programmed as [34]. The central
station would receive the following:
In the above example, the “1” indicates which zone went into alarm.
Do not program the following reporting codes: Event Buffer 75% Full.
This communication format cannot be selected if Central Station Two-Way Voice is required.
Event Codes (as per ADEMCO):
Medical Alarms
(1)AA Medical
(1)A1 Pendant Transmitter
(1)A2 Fail to Report In
Fire Alarms
Fire Alarms
Fire Alarms
Fire Alarms
Fire Alarms
1A Fire Alarm
(1)11 Smoke
(1)12 Combustion
(1)13 Water Flow
(1)14 Heat
(1)15 Pull Station
(1)16 Duct
(1)17 Flame
(1)18 Near Alarm
Panic Alarms
(1)2A Panic
(1)21 Duress
(1)22 Silent
(1)23 Audible
Burglar Alarms
(1)3A Burglary
(1)31 Perimeter
(1)32 Interior
(1)33 24 Hour
(1)34 Entry / Exit
(1)35 Day / Night
(1)36 Outdoor
(1)37 Tamper
(1)38 Near Alarm
General Alarms
(1)4A General Alarm
(1)43 Exp. module failure
(1)44 Sensor tamper
(1)45 Module Tamper
24 Hour Non-Burglary
(1)5A 24 Hour non-Burg
(1)51 Gas detected
(1)52 Refrigeration
(1)53 Loss of Heat
(1)54 Water Leakage
(1)55 Foil Break
(1)56 Day Trouble
(1)57 Low bottled Gas level
(1)58 High Temp
(1)59 Low Temp
(1)61 Loss of Air Flow
Fire Supervisory
(2)AA 24 Hour non-Burg
(2)A1 Low Water Pressure
(2)A2 Low CO2
(2)A3 Gate Valve Sensor
(2)A4 Low water level
(2)A5 Pump activated
(2)A6 Pump failure
System Troubles
(3)AA System Trouble
(3)A1 AC Loss
(3)A2 Low System Battery
(3)A3 RAM checksum bad
(3)A4 ROM checksum bad
(3)A5 System Reset
(3)A6 Panel prog. changed
(3)A7 Self-test failure
(3)A8 System Shutdown
(3)A9 Battery Test Failure
(3)1A Ground Fault
Sounder / Relay Troubles
(3)2A Sounder / Relay
(3)21 Bell 1
(3)22 Bell 2
(3)23 Alarm Relay
(3)24 Trouble Relay
(3)25 Reversing
System Peripheral Troubles
(3)3A System Peripheral
(3)31 Polling Loop Open
(3)32 Polling Loop Short
(3)33 Exp. Module Failure
(3)34 Repeater Failure
(3)35 Local Printer Paper Out
(3)36 Local Printer Failure
Communication Troubles
(3)5A Communication
(3)51 Telco 1 Fault
(3)52 Telco 2 Fault
(3)53 Lng-Rnge Rad. xmttr. fault
(3)54 Fail to Communicate
(3)55 Loss of radio super.
(3)56 Loss of central polling
Protection Loop Troubles
(3)7A Protection Loop
(3)71 Protection Loop open
(3)72 Protection Loop short
(3)73 Fire Trouble
Sensor Troubles
(3)8A Sensor Trouble
(3)81 Loss of super. RF
(3)82 Loss of super. RPM
(3)83 Sensor Tamper
(3)84 RF xmitter low batter
Open / Close
(4)AA Open / Close
(4)A1 O / C by User
(4)A2 Group O / C
(4)A3 Automatic O / C
(4)A4 Late to O / C
(4)A5 Deferred O / C
(4)A6 Cancel
(4)A7 Remote Arm / Disarm
(4)A8 Quick Arm
(4)A9 Keyswitch O / C
Remote Access
(4)11 Callback request
(4)12 Successful Download
(4)13 Unsuccessful access
(4)14 System Shutdown
(4)15 Dialer Shutdown
Access Control
(4)21 Access denied
(4)22 Access report by user
(4)56 Partial close
(4)59 Recent close
System Disables
Sounder / Relay Disables
(5)2A Sounder / Relay disable
(5)21 Bell 1 disable
(5)22 Bell 2 disable
(5)23 Alarm relay disable
(5)24 Trouble relay disable
(5)25 Reversing relay disable
System Peripheral Disables
Communication Disables
(5)51 Dialer disabled
(5)52 Radio xmitter disabled
(5)7A Zone bypass
(5)71 Fire bypass
(5)72 24 Hour zone bypass
(5)73 Burg bypass
(5)74 Group bypass
Test / Misc.
(6)A1 Manual Trigger Test
(6)A2 Periodic Test report
(6)A3 Periodic RF xmission
(6)A4 Fire test
(6)A5 Status report to follow
(6)A6 Listen-in to follow
(6)A7 Walk test mode
Restore not applicable
Appendix A