PowerSeries - PC1616/PC1832/PC1864
Section [012] Keypad Lockout
The system can be programmed to ‘lockout’ keypads if a series of incorrect user or installer codes are entered. When lockout is active, all
keypads emit a steady 2-second error tone when a key is pressed. Program the Number of Invalid Codes Before Lockout with the desired
number. Valid entries are from
. Program data
to disable the feature. Keypads will remain locked out for the number of
minutes programmed for the Lockout Duration. Valid entries are from
Section [013] First System Option Code
Stay Armed Status:
Activates when all of the selected partitions are armed in Stay mode
Command Output 1:
Activates when a
[ ][7][1]
command is entered on the selected partition – Command can be programmed to require a
valid access code and output can be programmed to activate for the time programmed in Section [170] or programmed to latch.
Command Output 2:
Activates when a
[ ][7][2]
command is entered on the selected partition – Command can be programmed to require
a valid access code and output can be programmed to activate for the time programmed in Section [170] or programmed to latch.
Command Output 3:
Activates when a
[ ][7][3]
command is entered on the selected partition – Command can be programmed to require
a valid access code and output can be programmed to activate for the time programmed in Section [170] or programmed to latch.
Command Output 4:
Activates when a
[ ][7][4]
command is entered on the selected partition – Command can be programmed to require
a valid access code and output can be programmed to activate for the time programmed in Section [170] or programmed to latch.
Silent 24-Hour Input:
Changes PGM to a 24-Hour Silent zone (PGM2 only)
Audible 24-Hour Input:
Changes PGM to a 24-Hour Audible zone (PGM2 only)
Delayed Fire and Burglary:
Functions as a Fire and Burglary output but does not activate until the TX Delay time expires
[26] Battery Test Output:
Output activates for 10 seconds at midnight each day.
Holdup Output:
Activates when a Holdup Alarm occurs on any assigned partition. Remains active until all assigned partitions have been
armed or disarmed. Will not activate if a Holdup Zone is goes into a fault or tamper condition.
Zone Follower (Zones 1-8):
Active when any of the selected zones are active and deactivates when all of the selected zones are restored.
Partition Status Alarm Memory:
Activates if the selected partition is armed.
Output will pulse “one second
/ one second
if an alarm occurs
Alternate Communicator:
Activates when selected system event occurs. If active in the armed state, it remains active until the system is
disarmed. If activated in the disarmed state, it remains active until a valid access code is entered within bell cut-off time, or when the system
is armed after bell cut-off time has expired.
Open After Alarm:
Actives for 5 seconds when system has been disarmed after an alarm.
Bell Status and Programming Access Output:
Activates when Bell, Installer programming mode or DLS is active. Remains active until
Bell is no longer active, Installer programming mode is exited and DLS programming is disconnected.
Away Armed with no Zone Bypassed Status:
Activates when armed with stay/away zones active and no zones bypassed.
Zone Follower (Zones 9-16):
Active when any of the selected zones are active and deactivates when all of the selected zones are restored.
Zone Follower (Zones 17-24):
Active when any of the selected zones are active and deactivates when all of the selected zones are restored.
Zone Follower (Zones 25-32):
Active when any of the selected zones are active and deactivates when all of the selected zones are restored.
Zone Follower (Zones 33-40):
Active when any of the selected zones are active and deactivates when all of the selected zones are restored.
Zone Follower (Zones 41-48):
Active when any of the selected zones are active and deactivates when all of the selected zones are restored.
Zone Follower (Zones 49-56):
Active when any of the selected zones are active and deactivates when all of the selected zones are restored.
Zone Follower (Zones 57-64):
Active when any of the selected zones are active and deactivates when all of the selected zones are restored.
* See Section [501]-[514] Programmable Output Attributes, PGM Output Option [29] and [35]-[41] option 8 on page 23
zones require normally-closed loops.
zones require 5.6K End-Of-Line resistors.
zones require double End-Of-Line resistors.
zones require single End-Of-Line resistors.
keypads will display all trouble conditions while armed.
keypads will only display fire trouble when armed.
This option must be
if LCD5500 v2.x (or older) keypads are used on the system.
only a trouble will be displayed.
keypads will display a trouble and a zone violation if a tamper or fault is detected.