DResearch – User Manual TeleObserver MR3180
Shutdown behaviour during data research
During a data research at the device (through connection via Ethernet and/or WLAN) the system
only shuts down when all connections between device and analysing software have been finished.
This is a security mechanism which ensures data integrity and spares the lifetime of the disks.
So a shutdown of the device isn’t possible during a data access – neither through a switch at a
digital input, nor through switching off the ignition. The condition is shown by the LED on the
device (HD-LED = OFF, LINK-LED = GREEN).
The data research at the device through an existing network connection should only happen for
reasons of controlling.
The staff at the headquarter should therefore be aware that the connections to the video systems
always have to be closed or finished – otherwise it’s not possible to switch off the systems in the
Basic settings /
Checkbox ‚Ignition shuts down the
device immediately’ is ACTIVATED
Checkbox ‚ Ignition shuts down the
device immediately’ is DEACTIVATED
Behaviour during
active alarm
Device shuts down immediately.
Device shuts down after the alarm
as well as the post-alarm and
system follow-up time are finished.
Behaviour during
an update
Device doesn’t shut down
(automatic restart after the update is
Device doesn’t shut down
(automatic restart after the update
is finished).
Behaviour during a
data research
Device shuts down after finishing all
network connections with the
analysing software.
Device shuts down after finishing
all network connections with the
analysing software.
Influencing of the recording during data research
In the normal operating mode the system records into the archives. Factory-set the device is so
configured that all recordings will be interrupted when data research at device takes place. This is the
case when there is a connection between the analysing software on a PC and the system (direct
connection via Ethernet cable or external WLAN module). Temporary gaps of recording in the video
data can be reasoned by an access to the data archives.
This is factory-set for performance optimization and can later be changed. Indeed these changes can’t
be made through the configuration of the system – but have to be asked for by the manufacturer.