DResearch – User Manual TeleObserver MR3180
Devices :: Detectors
When a detector is triggered the MR3180 unit can respond specifically to particular (predetermined)
events (according to preset actions). Up to 8 external detectors can be linked to the unit’s digital inputs
IN1 to IN8. These can be switches or sensors of any kind (light beams, motion detectors, temperature
sensors, etc.).
In addition so-called virtual detectors can be set up and configured. These indicate events which
occur within the device. Such detectors can be activated by, for example a rail media coupler and/or
by the analogue cameras’ motion detection function. By selecting Detector in the tree structure, the
appropriate dialogue box opens. This shows factory-settings for each detector.
Activated detectors are shown with the detector number at the bottom of the screen. Each activation of
an external detector is indicated on the control monitor. In addition, when an alarm recording is
activated a popup window appears for a short time showing the detector names. The status of the
individual detectors is shown in Vision if there is a connection to the relevant unit. The individual
trigger/event can be assigned an action, which will be executed by the system when the trigger/event
is unleashed.
List of detectors
List of detectors and their settings.
Highlight the detector whose properties are to be configured.
Detector name
Here you can change the detector names (default names Switch S1 to Switch S8)
Detector type
All detectors can be assigned one of the following detector types: opener, closer or
block lock.
When the block lock is activated external events from the detectors are not
evaluated and no actions are triggered.