DResearch – User Manual TeleObserver MR3180
Delete permanent
recordings after
Sets the time value after which the data in the ring archives have to be deleted.
This calendrical value represents the maximum storage duration of the data in the
ring archives.
A value of 24 hours is equal to one calendrical day – even if the value ‚Limit the
size of… recordings to’ isn’t reached the oldest data will be over-written
If this checkbox is not activated, automatic over-writing of the oldest data will be
started if the capacity of the archives or the disk or the value ‚ Limit the size of…
recordings to’ (if activated) is reached.
Limit the size of alarm
recordings to
This allows limiting the recording time in real hours.
Time refers to the really recorded time (so not the date or time stamp of the
recordings). A value of 24 hours is equal to 24 really recorded hours. Recording is
possible about 4 or 5 calendar days.
Once this time has elapsed the device automatically over-writes the data – first
the oldest data (FIFO principle).
If you do NOT activate this checkbox the device will record data until the hard
disk capacity is full. After reaching this limit automatic over-writing of the oldest
data takes place.
Delete alarm recordings
Sets the time value after which the data in the alarm archives have to be deleted.
This calendrical value represents the maximum storage duration of the data in the
ring archives.
A value of 24 hours is equal to one calendrical day – even if the value ‚Limit the
size of… recordings to’ isn’t reached the oldest data will be over-written
If an automatic over-writing of the alarm data isn’t desired, this option should be
Pre alarm time
Adds video data which were recorded before the alarm event to the data from the
alarm period.
Determine here how long the period should be.
The value entered here must be less than the value in the field Limit the size
If a larger value is entered this will automatically be reduced to match that
entered in the Limit the size of… field.
Post alarm time
Adds video data which was recorded after the alarm event to the data from the
alarm period.
Determine here how long the period should be.
The value entered here must be less than the value in the field Delete alarm
recordings after.
If a larger value is entered this will automatically be reduced to match that
entered in the Delete alarm recordings after field.
Operation at interchange
of hard disks
Reject foreign hard disks: HD will be rejected after 30 seconds.
Refuse: HD is NOT adopted! HD LED switches to RED, no recording takes
Caution: If the hard disk is protected with a password and this is not configured for
access in the unit, the disk will also not be adopted; the HD LED will also show RED.
Additional data
Record GPS data
Start the GPS data recording by activating the checkbox. The activation can only
occur after the configuration of the corresponding interface.
Configuration of the GPS parameters is done in the GPS dialogue box.
Record IBIS data
Start the IBIS data recording by activating the checkbox (MR3180 unit must be
connected to the IBIS bus).
Which of the IBIS parameters are recorded by the MR3180 depends on the used
IBIS protocol.