DResearch – User Manual TeleObserver MR3180
List of IP cameras
The list contains all cameras as well as basic settings. Detailed configuration of
IP cameras is done in their own setup.
camera specific settings
Camera name
Give the selected camera a name (max. 50 characters).
Camera type
Select the type of IP camera.
Those camera types currently supported by the software are: AXIS, MOBOTIX and
UNKNOWN (manual entry of an http-URL).
Camera URL
The Camera URL field is divided into two.
The first part: Enter the IP address where the camera can be reached in the
Latter part (camera type UNKNOWN): Enter the HTTP-URL of the IP camera.
When called up on the above URL, the camera must provide an MPEG stream
(MIME-Typ Multipart, 8-bit) with length data in the header.
(E.g. Axis:
One completed field is sufficient to accurately identify the IP camera in the network.
Open address....
Click on the Connect button to open your PC’s standard browser and create a
connection to the IP camera.
Possibility to check if the camera can be reached and make camera-specific
amendments to the settings.
To configure the IP camera’s parameters via the browser the cameras and the
workstation have to be located in the same network segment.
Please note: For IP cameras, the camera configuration must be set so that the MR3180 is set as a
“guest“ and gets access to the camera without having to provide access data. Otherwise with
some cameras (e.g. AXIS 209 FD) recording is not possible.