2. Instrument Introduction
2.1 PCR technique brief intro
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a technique which is used to amplify the number
of copies of a specific region of DNA developed in middle of 80s. There are many distinct
merits in the PCR technology, such as specialization, sensitivity, high productivity, celerity,
convenience, good reproductively, automatization and so on. In a reaction tube, target
gene or segment of DNA, in a matter of hours, will be amplified a million fold, and can be
seen by naked eyes; from a hair, a drop of blood, even a cell can be amplified to enough
number of DNA for analyzing and identifying. In the past, the procedure may take days
and weeks, but now it only take a few hours. PCR is a revolutionary innovation and
landmark in the field of biological medicine.
PCR has been widely applied in immunology, human genome project, forensics,
oncology, population biology, paleontology
botany research field and clinical
diagnosis of virus, tumor, hereditary disease, etc. , by PCR detection.
As the gradient PCR becoming the optimal method of optimizing the reaction condition,
Jingle gradient has become the standard of modern molecule laboratory.
A freely controlled grads temperature can not only optimize the anneal temperature but
also optimize all the temperature of each PCR step, even the most stringent application.
Thanks to the application of the semi-conductor, an optimal, constant increasing and
decreasing temperature can be assured, which means the gradient experiment results
can be used easily and precisely in common application, decreasing the intensity of the
exploring experiment and increase the quality and efficiency of the experiment.