www.drawell.com.cn in the window of “heat lid function setting” press ”
” and ”
” to select options
such as heat lid shut, startup heat lid when power on, heat lid and program start
simultaneously and start program after the heat lid arriving at the setting point, press
ENTER to enter the option, input value using the number buttons. The heat lid
temperature range: 70
℃ press ESC to exit, and the system will show a “ to save or not “ dialogue box,
press ENTER to affirm and ESC otherwise.
3.2.3 system setting move the cursor ( or press number 7) in the “main menu window” to select the
“system” submenu, press ENTER to enter the “system parameter setting” window. in the “system parameter setting” window, press SHIFT button to select
options such as system date and time, hint beep, the taxis manner of file list, press
ENTER to enter the option and input value using the number buttons. press ESC to exit, and the system will show a “ to save or not “ dialogue box,
press ENTERto affirm and ESC otherwise.
3.3 information inquiry
3.3.1 log inquiry move the cursor ( or press number 6) in the “main menu window” to select the
“log” submenu, press ENTER to enter the “log view” window. If the numbers of all
currently created files is below 200, all the files’ information will be displayed in this
window. If the number of files is above 200, the most recently created 200 files’
information will be displayed. These information include the file names, run time,
and create date, etc.