dormakaba USA Inc. System User Guide 7040.1121 Rev E 10/22 | 24
Needs to authenticate with an old combination prior to being allowed to update their combination Manager
Should be enabled within the system, but not required
Multiple Managers may be defined depending on the lock type
Only Master users can modify the Manager’s settings (Requires authenticated Master User ID)
The Managers Credential will consist of a 2 digit User ID plus a 6 to 9 digit combination.
The Combination Length Requirement is a system setting and will be the same for all Managers and
May change their combination via the Keypad
Can create Standard Users
The forced-change-on-first-use rule may apply to Manager combinations depending on your system
setting. When applied, users must change their combinations on first use after being added, or after their
combinations have been changed by a Master or Manager user. Default System Setting does not require
combination change.
May be granted access to open the lock if the access settings are enabled for the lock
May set other access Users’ combination via the Keypad menus or via the LA GARD Software client
May be granted Time Delay Override if Time Delay option is applied to a safe lock
Can bypass Dual User mode if not included in Dual User Requirement
Can bypass Dual Credential mode if not included in Dual Credential Requirement Standard Users
The Combination Length Requirement is a system setting and will therefore be the same for all Managers
and Users.
The combination is in the format of 2 ID digits plus 6 to 9 combination digits
The forced-change-on -first-use rule may apply to Standard User depending on your system settings.
When applied, users must change their combinations on first use after being added, or after their
combinations have been changed by a Master or Manager user. Default System Setting does not require
combination change.
In a multi-lock installation, the User may be enabled for some locks and disabled for others
All User settings apply to all enabled locks within a multi-lock configuration
Users can be granted one or more privileges
3.4.2 User Privileges
There are 4 primary privileges that can impact a user’s ability to open or audit a lock: Access Lock, Audit Lock,
Time Delay Override with Combination, and Time Delay Override with Fob Credential. User Privileges – Access Lock
A user may be granted permission to open the lock. This capability allows the user to open the lock when they
present the proper credential(s). Access restrictions such as Time Delay, are enforced unless override privileges
are granted.