dormakaba USA Inc. System User Guide 7040.1121 Rev E 10/22 | 10
asserted. Refer to the Alarm Box Installation Guide (Document #7036.0320) for more information. The Alarm
Box is not UL evaluated. (Item/Order # 704045, “Alarm Box”)
2.2.7 Reset Box
The Reset Box offers the capability to remove users and reset the Master Combination. To reset the lock, the
lock must be disconnected from any power source (AC Power or Battery) and powered from the Reset Box only.
The Reset Box must be connected to the BAT port on the back of the LA GARD safe lock. The Reset Box has a
green LED that will light when the reset function is performed. If a lock is already reset, applying the Reset Box
will not light the LED.
The Reset Box will only work in conjunction with LA GARD safe locks with a BAT port (will not work with older
model LG BASIC Series locks). Refer to the Reset Box User Guide (Document #7039.0521) for more
information. The Reset Box is not UL evaluated. (Item/Order # 704065, “Reset Box”)
2.2.8 Fob
The fob is used as a secondary Bluetooth® credential to user’s combination. The fob can be enrolled at the
Model 705 Keypad and assigned to a user.
For UL 2058 compliance, the fob credential was not evaluated by UL. However, if a fob credential is employed,
it’s required to be accompanied by a user combination to open a lock. The fob cannot be used as sole means to
operate and open the lock. (Item/Order # 890165, “FOB (Bluetooth Enabled Credential)”)
2.2.9 Power Considerations
The system common power across all components. As long as 9V DC power is supplied to the system, the
system will work as intended. It is unnecessary to apply multiple sources of power to some or all components.
Some considerations to follow:
The standard-profile Keypad models require two 9V batteries can be inserted into the tray.
The low-profile Keypad models require a Battery Box or Power Adapter accessory is required for power.
These keypads include an emergency battery connection to apply power from outside of the safe
A LA GARD 700 Series Battery Box accessory is available to be attached inside the secure container to
grant power to the system.
A LA GARD 700 Series Alarm Box can be connected to the primary lock to provide power to the system.
This Alarm Box must be physically located in the secure side of the container.
A LA GARD 700 Series AC/DC Power Adapter accessory can be used to apply line power to the system.
The power adapter can be connected to any lock’s BAT port in a multi-lock configuration.
In multi-lock installations while using a Multiplexer, it is strongly recommended that the AC/DC Power
Adapter be used.
When resetting a lock via the LA GARD Series 700 Reset Box, a 9V battery must be inserted into the Reset
Box to apply power for the short duration usage.