ISOFLOW application – User manual for XeedSystem v1.6
Alarm delay:
Sometimes it can occur that the seeder is working around the limit what Blockage sensitivity
level defines so that it reports many momentary blockages.
To filter out these unwanted momentary alerts, use the “alarm delay” feature. This can perfectly
filter out these false blockages.
Alarm delay’s main purpose is to ignore the momentary alerts and notify the user only if the
alert is persistent and it remains for at least the given seconds. This makes sure that only real
alerts can be seen.
Since the blockage is always an unexpected change in the seed flow, the XeedSystem won’t
report blockage on that row, where the sensor sees no seed flow from the beginning. The
system reports “no flow”.
The interpretation of this status is the operator’s task. (Was it intentional or not: is it really an
error or not.)
This is a special case, because it can be
an intentionally closed seed row (tramline)
or a full blockage in the seeding hose before the sensor, which is formed during the
previous seeding
Altough it seem like it is the system’s deficiency, with this function the system is able to
handle tramlines automatically.
Blockage occurs almost every time during seeding and the system gives an alarm from
it immediately. If the operator takes a break, at the next start when the seeding starts
there will be an existing blockage, in that case a „no flow”. Since the system notified the
operator when the blockage occured during seeding, he/she will know that „no flow”
status really is a blockage.