ISOFLOW application – User manual for XeedSystem v1.6
On the troubleshoot help screens more information can be found about the corresponding
troubleshoot option to help the operator make better decision.
Press the Back button to return to the Troubleshoot screen.
If the first option has been
chosen (Modify existing
system setup.) press the
Next button
Follow along and complete the
simplified installation process until the
“Ready to start” screen can be seen.
Press the “Start using XeedSystem”
to start working with the
modified system.
If the second option has
been chosen (Create new
system setup) press the
Reset button
Upon Resetting total configuration, all
data will be lost, and the installation
must be completed from the scratch.
(See chapter 4. Installation)
Press the confirm button to
perform the reset.
Press the cancel button to
cancel the reset process.