Preset Map
Patch Wizard
Exits Patch Wizard with no changes applied
128 = VL
Sets the MIDI PC definition to associate the
User Preset Bank presets to the first 99
programs of the PC message and the first 29
Factory Preset Bank presets to the following
29 programs
128 = VL
Sets the MIDI PC definition to associate the
Factory Preset Bank presets to the first 99
programs of the PC message and the first 29
User Preset Bank presets to the following 29
MIDI Program
To Edit
Selects the MIDI PC preset definition to alter with the
Vocalist® Live Pro Preset At n menu function. As you cycle
through the MIDI Program definitions, the associated Preset
Bank and Number are shown in brackets.
VL-Pro Preset
At n
Where n refers the MIDI PC program selected with the MIDI
Program To Edit, This parameter allows you to redefine the
MIDI Program to the desired Vocalist Live Pro preset in any
of either the User or Factory Preset Banks.
Pitch Bend
Defines the MIDI Pitch Bend Range for the Controllers in Semitones. If +/- 24
Semitones are defined, this gives you a bend range of 48 semitones equal to 4
octaves (2 negative octaves plus 2 positive octaves bend range).
Range: +/- 0 to 24 Semitones
Split Zone
Disables MIDI Split Zone functionality.
Active Above
Split Note
When using any of the musIQ™ MIDI, Chordal, MIDI
Notes or 4 Channel Notes Harmony Modes, the Vocalist
Live Pro will only respond to MIDI Keyboard Notes played
above the specified Split Note. Notes played below the Split
Note are ignored by the Vocalist Live Pro.
Active Below
Split Note
When using any of the musIQ MIDI, Chordal, MIDI Notes
or 4 Channel Notes Harmony Modes, the Vocalist Live Pro
will only respond to MIDI Keyboard Notes played below
the specified Split Note. Notes played above the Split Note
are ignored by the Vocalist Live Pro.
Split Note
Defines the MIDI Keyboard Split Note to work in conjunction with the selected
Split Zone Mode. Note that the Split Note of C5 is Middle C. Range: C0 to G10
MIDI Notes
When using the MIDI Notes or 4 Channel Notes Harmony Modes, this parameter
will transpose the Harmony Voices defined in the Harmony Mode to the specified
octave shifts with respect to the MIDI Keyboard note played.
Range: -4 Octaves to +4 Octaves
MIDI/Expression Pedal Setup Table (Continued)
Table Continued Next Page