10.2. You will not be able to change the speed or direction of any loco that is
part of a consist but, is not the TOP loco, while it is consisted.
Once a consist is set up & linked to the TOP locomotive, this TOP loco can be
released & selected to run from either throttle on your DT400. The consist can
also be selected and run on another throttle or it can be dispatched to another
11.2 Removing A Loco From A Consist
Radio & infrared throttles must be plugged into LocoNet to remove loco
addresses from consists.
To remove a loco address from a consist:
1. Select the loco address that you want to remove from a consist on the
L Throttle.
2. Press the MU Key
to enter consist mode.
3. Press the N - Key
to remove the loco address from the consist.
4. The L Throttle automatically becomes active with the loco you just
removed from the consist. If you remove the loco from the consist
while the consist is moving, the removed loco will be broken out of
the consist at the same speed & direction that it was moving in the
consist. You can uncouple and run the removed loco as an indepen-
dent loco again!
11.3 Nested Consisting
The loco that was selected in the L Throttle to be added to the consist can itself
be the “TOP” loco of another consist. When it is added to the current R
Throttle “TOP” loco it will become a “nested” consist. In this case the whole
nested consist is linked & itself will be part of the new consist.
The loco that is selected in the L Throttle to be removed from the consist can
itself be the “TOP” loco of a nested consist that was linked into the current R
Throttle “TOP” loco. In this case the whole nested consist is removed from the
consist & returned to the L Throttle as a consist.
11.4 MU of Mismatched Locomotives
If all the locomotives in the consist have performance characteristics that are
closely matched, you can run all the consisted locomotives in 128 step mode.
If the units are completely mismatched (for example if you are running two dif-
ferent brands of locos with noticeably different characteristics), then we recom-
mend speed matching the locos by programming Loadable Speed Tables (See
your Mobile Decoder Manual more information).