Rev D July 2014
Page 2.7
Digital Projection
HIGHlite Cine 260, 1080p 330
User Manual
2. Installation
Screen size vs throw distance
Throw distance is the distance measured from the front of the projector to the
screen. This is an important calculation in any projector installation as it determines
whether or not you have enough room to install your projector with the desired
screen size, and if your image will be the right size for your screen.
Calculating screen width and throw distance
Throw Distance =
Screen Width x Lens Throw Ratio
Screen Width
Throw Distance
The following lens calculations may be useful:
Throw ratio
Throw distance
Screen width
Throw ratio factor (TRF)
DMD width in pixels = 1920
image width in pixels
image width in pixels
Screen width
Throw distance
Throw ratio x TRF
Throw distance
Screen width x Throw ratio x TRF
For more information about the
relationship between screen
size, throw distance and lenses,
Choosing a lens
on the
following pages.
The Throw ratio for a particular
lens is fixed, but assumes that
the image fills the width of the
For images that do not fill the
width of the DMD, the Throw
ratio is effectively increased.
To correct for this in these
calculations, a Throw Ratio
Factor (TRF) is used.