User Manual
Figure 30.
“Set output during rising slope” mode
In this mode (figure 30) DAEnetIP3 controller generates event if it is detected
rising edge of the digital input. The type of the event depends on the mode of the
attached digital output to this input.
Set output during falling edge
In this mode (figure 31) DAEnetIP3 controller generates event if it is detected
falling edge of the digital input. The type of the event depends on the mode of the
attached digital output to this input.
Figure 31
. “Set output during falling slope” mode
“Port A pin” value
This is abstract variable that is available for each digital input. It contains the
number of some of the digital output lines. It determines which is the attached output
line to this input. This means which output will react when this input detects
falling/rising edge of the input signal.
“Remote” value
This boolean value (accept only true/false) is available for each digital inputs and
determines if the digital output is of the current DAEnetIP3 controller or it is of
another DAEnetIP3 controller in the network. If the value is “true” or 1 then the input
controls another DAEnetIP3‟s digital output, otherwise (if “false” or 0) it controls the
current DAEnetIP3 digital output line.
cription text for each input. It can string with the following chars: „a‟-„z‟, „A‟-„Z‟,
„0‟-„9‟, „_‟ and „.‟.