User Manual
Example commands for UART. Serial address of the device is 00:
Get all the outputs states. CRC16 is OFF. The answer is that the PortA.0 - PortA.7 are ON
and PortA.8 - PortA.15 are OFF.
Send: 00ASG=?;
Receive: 00ASG=00FF;
Get all the relais states. CRC16 is ON. The answer is that the PortA.0 - PortA.7 are ON and
PortA.8 - PortA.15 are OFF.
Send: 00ASG=?2DE3;
Receive: 00ASG=00FF2F5C;
Example commands for HTTP API:
Set PortA.0 OFF
Send: AS0=0;
Receive: <!DOCTYPE html><html><body>AS0=0;</body></html>
Set PortA.0 ON
Send: AS0=1;
Receive: <!DOCTYPE html><html><body>AS0=1;</body></html>
Commands for Digital Inputs (Port B)
Example commands for TCP/IP (VSP). RC4 encryption is off. Serial address
of the device is 00
Get PortB.0 state. The input level is low.
Send: 00BV0=?;
Receive: 00BV0=0;
Get PortB.7 state. The input level is high.
Send: 00BV7=?;
Receive: 00BV7=1;
Get the whole PortB. PortB.0 - PortB.3 is low and PortB.4 - PortB.7 is high.
Send: 00BVG=?;
Receive: 00BVG=F0;
Example commands for Telnet:
Get the whole PortB. PortB.0 - PortB.3 is low and PortB.4 - PortB.7 is high.
Send: BVG=?;
Receive: BVG=F0;
Example commands for UART. Serial address of the device is 00
Get the whole PortB. PortB.0 - PortB.3 is low and PortB.4 - PortB.7 is high.
Send: 00BVG=?;
Receive: 00BVG=F0;