D V P 0 2 T K - S / D V P 0 2 T U - S T e m p e r a t u r e C o n t r o l M o d u l e M a n u a l
2 - 3 0
Additional Instructions
Choosing tuning point
We suggest to set the tuning points at 25% and 75% of the SV application range.
Copying parameters
Under the same environment, CR#12~CR#33 on automatic PID calculation page can be copied to the same
position of other modules (including internal calculation parameters) so as to achieve the same calculation effect.
Adjusting tuning point
In case that you want to reset a specific tuning point, simply reset the SV and the current tuning point, then perform
auto-tuning again.
RS-485 Communication Setup for DVP02TK-S
MODBUS Communication Protocol
For DVP02TK-S series, MODBUS supports formats such as RTU and ASCII. When RTU is selected, the data length is 8
and the following function codes are supported.
Function code 03: read multiple words, up to 32 words can be read.
Function code 06: write a single word.
Function code 10: write multiple words, up to 32 words can be written.
Restore to Factory Settings
Users can restore the RS-485 communication settings back to defaults (9600/7/1/E, station number 1) by switching RUN
to STOP and then STOP to RUN after turning on the device within 5 seconds.
RS-485 Communication Setup
There are 2 methods to setup RS-485 communication, via TK Wizard and setting the MODBUS address.
TK Wizard (TKSoft): click the Module Information and set up baud rate, transfer mode and then click
save the settings.